Friday, March 6, 2020

Week wrap up

This week:

1. March is here!
2. We start getting ready for General Conference. 
3. I am called and set apart to serve as Primary’s second counselor (I am so excited!).
4. I get a stomach bug (and apparently Bianca too).
 5. Field trips and Windsor movie night (Frozen 2)- Ale took the girls while I enjoyed a couple of hours of peace and quiet.
6. Costco has no water and no toilet paper (people are going crazy because of coronavirus- COVID-19).

7. Huge line outside of Costco at 9:30 am (P.s. Costco opens at 10:00 am).
8. I completely forget to pick up Bianca from school and Ms Kaylee has to call me (I got there at  12:05pm. Bianca leaves at 11:45am).
9. Bianca and I fall hard on the ground at Smith’s parking lot while running to get to Seagull Book store before daddy who was driving the car. 
10. Laura Villatoro opens her mission call- Oakland, California!
11. I start barre fitness (so far so good).

12. Giovanna has an idea to help keep her community clean (cute girl).
13. We visit the possible new school for Giovi and Bianca.
14. Friday off- Ale wakes up with migraine and doesn’t go to work, Giovanna wakes up coughing and feverish and doesn’t go to school, Miya is sick with flu so I don’t babysit her today, and Bianca has no school on Fridays.
15. Ms Kaylee and Ms Marisa (Bianca’s teachers) come for a home visit.
16. There is no hand sanitizer at Walmart, Target, Maceys, or Dollar Tree. It’s all gone.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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