Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St Patrick's Day 2020 - Quarantine Day 2

Happy St Patrick’s day!

In the morning (I woke up past 10am again!) the girls were excited to play Wii. I got controllers to play Mario cart and archery that were forgotten in the cable box since 2009 or so.

When Ale and I got married and moved to Utah we bought a Wii game. We used to challenge each other on a basketball game all the time. Now our kids play with it. It still works like old times! (a shout out to my hubby who takes the best care of our electronics).

Our day included green outfits, Wii, and homework in the morning, naps after lunch, and a quick go out to get some Brazilian deliciousness (let’s support our local business!) in the afternoon.

Later on, we played St. Patrick’s games. Giovi came up with a game where she hid all green toys she could find in the house, then taped green obstacles on the walls, and had me and her dad find the toys. It was hilarious and so much fun! 

Then we played St. Patrick’s scavenger hunt. The girls had to follow the clues to find each a “pot of gold”. They played so hard they were sweating when the game was over.

After that Ale and I watched an episode of This is Us. I can’t believe next week is season finale already!

Before 10:00 pm the house was in silence.

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