Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine Day 1

Today starts the first day of the COVID-19 quarantine. Schools are cancelled, church meetings are cancelled, and any other services or activities have been postponed.

I have planned a schedule to keep my sanity with the girls home all day. The schedule involves games, TV time, homework, reading, free time, naps, and scripture study. I might consider some exercises in the morning, since I’ll be canceling my gym membership too.

This weekend we drove to South Jordan to eat at The Pie in celebration of Pi Day. It’s been a long time since we went there. Bianca was just a baby. We also met Mindy in West Valley to get some medications she ordered from her pharmacy.

Since we were so close to our old place, we decided to take the girls to see the apartment we brought baby Giovanna from maternity when she was born. Everything looks the same.

Then on our way back home, we stopped at Jordan River Temple. I love this temple!

As soon as the girls started coughing we ran to the car and we headed back home.

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