Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

Today was a frightening Friday 13th. In the morning I got the girls and together we headed to American Fork (again) searching for oil and sugar. We were able to find oil, and I was lucky enough to find one last pack of sugar lost on an empty shelf at Walmart.

I’ve been faithful praying for guidance in what I should buy and how much I should buy in order to keep our home stocked for these coming weeks of uncertainty. He is being so merciful and He has constantly blessing us.

Just yersterday Ale found a few packs os Tylenol. Remember I couldn’t find any?

The schools were canceled and the girls will be home for the next two weeks. Then we should hear from them with more information of what’s next. Church meetings were also canceled.

I am grateful for being ready for whatever happens in these next few weeks. A while ago I prepared a binder full of material to teach the gospel at home when times would come when we wouldn’t be able to attend the meetings anymore. I sure didn’t think this would happen anytime soon though.

In the meantime, “let not (our) heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

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