Thursday, March 12, 2020


Giovanna is still feeling a little under the weather, but little by little she is getting better. Yesterday, she complained her ear was hurting, and Bianca started coughing, so I gave them the last drops of Tylenol I had home.

This morning, after dropping them off at school, I drove to American Fork hoping to find Tylenol for the girls. They were all gone at Walmart and Costco. At 9:30 the line outside Costco was turning around the warehouse. At 10:00 am when they opened the doors, the toilet paper was gone in minutes. I was able to get one (they were giving one pack per family).

We are living crazy times. And I’ve been pondering about D&C 38:30 a lot lately when it says “(...) but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear”.

I think this scripture teaches us beyond of what we actually understand. In times like this, I realize most of us are not prepared the way we should be. It makes me think it is not only about being spiritually prepared, but also physically (how’s our food and supplies storage going?), and intellectually. 

When I see all the shelves empty, that tells me people are uninformed. They are not getting proper information from liable media. And because they are not proper informed they start acting out of feat not really knowing what they are doing. 

That scares me (and frustrates me too). I had bought plenty of Tylenol and Motrin a while ago for the flu season, and I’ve already used (almost) them all. I need more to treat my girls who are sick NOW, but I can’t find them because other people have bought them to stack them up, and maybe not even use them until they expire.

Oh, well. I’ll keep looking.

And praying.

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