Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Young Womanhood

Past Sunday was really special to me as I received the Young Womanhood Recognization for working and completing all the goals on my Personal Progress.

Although, I have done it in the past while being a young women, I felt strongly encouraged to do it again, specially knowing that this beautiful program won’t long exist. 

On the last ten minutes of class I gathered Giovi, Bianca and Ale to go to the Young Women classroom where I, along with other young women, would be recognized.

I can’t even start telling how beautiful, important, spiritual, and special it was when the bishop called Giovanna so she could put the medallion on me.

I was so grateful Ale was there to support me AND record the occasion. He stopped recording to help Giovi with the necklace clasp.

I am so deeply thankful for this wonderful gospel in my life that teaches me how valuable I am to Heavenly Father, for teaching me I am part of a plan which if I follow I will return safely back home where I came from. 

How wonderful is that?

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