Monday, March 23, 2020

Sacrament in our home - quarantine days 6 and 7

This Saturday we did some cleaning, ordered food, watched movies, and prepared our home to sacrament meeting.

Last week we received a letter from the stake announcing priesthood holders should lead, and bless the sacrament for their families and to those who don’t have a priesthood holder in their homes.

On Saturday I gathered the girls around the kitchen to bake the bread we would be using for this special occasion. We also baked some delicious sugar cookies.

Then on Sunday morning Ale got dressed to bless the sacrament for a couple of sisters from our ward. Later on, we broke the quarantine and had the Britos over to partake the sacrament with us.

I know it was a little risky, but it was so good, spiritual, and much needed. We also spread hand sanitizer all over our hands every fifteen minutes or so.

We sang I am a Child of God leaded by Bianca. Then she shared a brief testimony, followed by Claire and Giovanna. It was beautiful and touching hear their love and reverence for their Heavenly Father.

Then Ale and Tales blessed the bread and the water and we partook of the sacrament (in tears). It was really spiritual, and I felt deeply grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ  in my life. He is the center of our home.

After sacrament I shared a message about what we had been studying this past week on Come, Follow Me. Then we watched a movie and concluded Jacob chapter seven in the Book of Mormon.

Saying goodbye to the Britos felt heavy and bitter because we don’t really know when we will be able to see each other again. We were thinking maybe for Easter in a few weeks, but in reality we believe things will get even harder as new restrictions are reinforced every day.

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