Friday, March 20, 2020

Catching up - quarantine day 5

This quarantine has helped our family catch up on our Come, Follow Me studies. We got a little behind since our trip to Florida and couldn’t catch up until now.

This week we studied about Jacob teachings and the allegory of the Olive Tree. I am so happy Giovi is learning about figurative language at school; it definitely helped her easily understand the comparison between the tree and the house of Israel.

Bianca is also learning so much! When I asked who Jacob was she said he was the one who was teaching the people from the plates. I love the way her little brain works! And I love this inspired program. It’s been a blessing to our family!

This Sunday we’ll be having sacrament meeting in our home. Ale will be blessing the water and the bread for us to partake. It will be memorable for our family and I am looking forward to it.

Have a beautiful (and safe) weekend!

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