Thursday, March 19, 2020

School assignments - quarantine day 4

In the meantime, I get several emails from Bianca’s and Giovi’s school with assignments to be done while they are home.

Giovanna needs to read in Spanish and English for twenty minutes each, complete two lessons of Imagine Math, five units of Lexia, writing, plus Ms Maureira’s Spanish packet with math and literature to be completed and returned by the end of each week.

Bianca needs to be read to for twenty minutes every day, and complete the monthly ‘school to home practice’ sheet. They also emailed me notifying me soon they will be sending online activities to be done at home.

Besides that, we also sit down as a family to do Family Home Evening once a week and daily scripture study.

It’s been a process adjusting ourselves to this new schedule, but we’ve been doing good, and the girls have been exceptionally nice.

Tonight, as I put the girls to sleep, turn off the lights, and lay down on the couch to write I feel accomplished. I look back to my day knowing that I gave my very best to my family. And for me this is the most important job I can have.

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