Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Keeping ourselves busy - quarantine days 8 and 9

Yesterday, I got an email from Alpine district announcing that the school dismissal was extended through May, 1st. And so Headstart.

I confess this virus is depressing me. I fear for my family in Brazil, for my mom who is over sixty, for my husband and kids, dear friends, and I fear for myself. But I know fear is not from God, and I am trying to stay put and exercise my faith.

Last night, our family watched Onward, the new Disney movie. It was definitely not my girls’s favorite. They kept asking me when Ian was going to see his dad even after the movie was over. I try to explain to them Ian saw his dad his whole life through his big brother, but I guess they didn’t buy it.

Today, the girls did their homework in the morning, then we followed our schedule with playtime, electronics, and naps. I am trying to keep a routine, specially for Bianca who loves and misses her preschool.

I prepared a lesson using the packet her teacher emailed me, which includes breathing techniques, numbers, letters, reading and dancing time.

We laughed so hard while running around the living room with “Let’s go swimming” by The Laurie Berkner band.

Later on, our living room turned into an obstacle course. We played music, and timed how long each of us took to complete the course. It was super fun!

Then we all calmed down to study the scriptures. By the time we were done it was already past bedtime, so the girls hurried to brush their teeth and go to bed.

When the house was finally quiet Ale and I ran to under the blankets to watch the season finale of This is Us, our favorite show.

Despite all challenges this virus has brought us, I am grateful for having my gang healthy and close to me. 

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