Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Old Memories - Quarantine day 10

Today we followed our schedule as usual, then I added daily exercise to my routine. Since everything closed because of the virus, I stopped working out.

(Pos workout)

So I joined some other moms on a Facebook group, where we share our experiences, share recipes, and support one another. I am excited!

Then I started looking at some old pictures from when my girls were babies. Soon Giovanna and Bianca joined me when they heard cute giggles coming from the computer.

We laughed together and remembered tender moments. I love them so much!

They also made me show them every birthday party we threw to them since they were one. Then they compared their parties (of course), and picked their favorite ones.

Giovanna's favorite:

My least favorite:
I worked SO hard on this party, I remember promising myself never throw a birthday party to Giovi ever again. My balloon arch didn't work and kept falling, I had a horrible time figuring out the table cloth (I always do), and I just didn't like the decoration.

Bianca's favorite:


My least favorite:


Bianca's first birthday was supposed to be Little Mermaid. But because of our circumstances I had to change it last minute and we decided to do a picnic at the park. The party turned out really cute and we had a great time indeed. But I wished I had more time to plan and prepare for her very first birthday.

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