Friday, April 24, 2020

Forty days- quarantine day 40

Today completes forty days of quarantine. FORTY DAYS!

Bianca who has forgotten about preschool already, is having a blast at home, playing with her toys, dancing, and even being homeschooled. She also looks forward to start Kindergarten at her new school.

 Both Bianca and Giovanna have been selected to start Timpanogos Academy next school year. Hopefully, life will be normalized by then! 

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Coronavirus updates:

-Alacy Monteiro from our former Portuguese ward is finally home after months in the hospital, and is recovering well from the virus.
-The Vasquez family from our current Spanish ward has been infected with the virus- the mom and their three children, including their nine month-old baby. We are praying for them!
-Ale’s boss has completely recovered from the virus.

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