Monday, April 27, 2020

Little hike- quarantine days 41-43

This weekend our family drove to Squaw Peak to get out of the house a little and breathe fresh air, away from people and viruses.

It turned out though, several others had the very same idea, and the traffic of people and cars was considerably heavy up there.

So we took a quick twenty-minute hike and we headed right back home.

During the hike I let Ale walk a few steps ahead with Bianca while Giovanna and I stayed behind chatting. We mostly talked about her feelings and attitude towards her little sister.

I reassured her how much her dad and I love her and her sister while listening to her pore her heart out to me on how everything has changed since Bianca joined our family four years ago.

I told her she came to bring even more happiness to our family and to be her best friend and confident forever.

It was a nice talk and time with her. Fast, but so meaningful I feel like she needs “me and her” time more often. My baby is growing and with that questions and concerns are arising. I want to be able to connect with her and be her safe place.

I’ll be arranging a date just the both of us soon.

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