Tuesday, April 28, 2020

New face- quarantine day 44

Tutta Nostra Famiglia has a new look! And I hope you love it as much as I do! I’ve been wanting to update our pictures and all, and this quarantine seemed the perfect time to do it.

In the meantime, I am still homeschooling the girls, Ale is still working from home, and we are still practicing social distance.

I am also trying to entertain the girls as much as I can, specially these last few days I am keeping them inside to avoid allergic reactions.

A couple of weeks ago I bought Forky from the movie Toy Store 4 for them to build and play with. Bianca has already opened and built hers. We are waiting for Giovi to improve on her studies so she can finally do hers too.

Tomorrow I have Bianca’s parent-teacher conference through google meet.

Bianca is a clever little girl, and I always love to hear what the teachers have to say about her.

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