Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Happy day- quarantine day 45

In the morning, I had a Google meeting with Bianca’s teachers. Bianca has progressed a lot since she started Preschool over a year ago. I can’t believe school ends in a couple of weeks and soon my baby will start Kindergarten. 

Ms Kaylee and Ms Marissa are planning a little graduation for the kids. They will be able to get a certificate and say goodbye to their friends, all through the windows of our cars. 

Today, after homeschool, the girls and I spent a good amount of time playing outside. The day was pleasant and beautiful. Our activities included egged on, badminton, and bocce.

Then in the afternoon the girls planned a sleepover party (in my room), with more games and cake. They set up everything and baked the cake. I just assisted them with the blender, stove, and oven.

The cake turned out great. Giovanna really has a talent for baking.

They were so excited, they kept talking in “bed” until a little before 10:00pm when they finally fell asleep.

It was a really happy day.

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