Thursday, April 9, 2020

Holy Week- quarantine day 25

The day was so nice outside today I let the girls ride their scooters outside again. When our neighbor’s daughter came outside to join them, I rapidly sewed masks for the girls and had them wear it. They played til their hearts content, then came back inside just before it started to rain.

I also sewed a mask for myself. My mom helped via WhatsApp. They turned really good, and I know they will be very helpful since masks have disappeared from the shelves long ago.

Last Sunday we started our Holy Week calendar. Each day we have a lesson and an activity about events that preceded Jesus Christ’s atonement and crucifixion. The girls love it and always look forward to it.

Today we talked about Jesus Christ atonement and how he was betrayed by one of His own apostles. We taught the girls how His atonement blesses our lives. Because of Him we can repent from our wrong doing, and we don’t have to suffer like He did.

I am so excited for Sunday when we will be talking about Jesus’s triumph resurrection.

I love my brother and my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so deeply grateful for His atonement. Because of Him I can qualify to return to my Heavenly home according to my deeds here on Earth.

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