Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday- quarantine day 26

Past Conference our beloved prophet asked us to join in another worldwide fast today, April 10th, the good Friday.

In the morning, after breakfast I knelt in prayer to ask “that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized”.

It was a really good day. Ale ordered food for him and the girls, and later on we sat down to learn from our holy week calendar.

Today we talked about Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. This is a very sad part of the story, and it makes us all very sad, specially Giovanna. She requested no videos on this lesson, so we just watched a video of when Jesus went to see Pilates, then we talked about what happened next.

This week have been really special as we sit down as family to study about Christ and His last days on earth. He did good to all people, even in the last moments of His life. He is our biggest example, and we love Him very much.

Happy Easter and have a good weekend! 

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