Thursday, April 2, 2020

Zion - quarantine day 18

Today I woke up not feeling very good, so I decided to go out for a walk/run. It was chilly, and the mountains and grass were covered in snow. It was wonderful to get out of the house a little and breathe nature. I came back home energized.

After a yummy toast and eggs, I put Giovi on the computer to do her homework, then I helped Bianca with her homeschool. We’ve been replicating her class routine at Headstart with daily weather report, breathing techniques, wishing well, rules, tables, and more.

Around lunch time I took Bianca to see (from the car) Ms Marissa- one of her teachers. Bianca’s been excited to see her engagement ring. She is also hoping to be invited to the wedding.

During the day, we cleaned the house, played games, made Brazilian pastéis, then we sat down to keep watching Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration. Since the girls seemed very interested in the story, when the movie was over I showed them some parts of 17 Miracles

I wanted to show them just a portion of what the pioneers went through to get to this beautiful land and build Zion.

I am not sure how they will sleep tonight, since they saw pretty harsh scenes for their age. But I think it will be good for them to learn how to appreciate what they have and where they live.

Also, General Conference is happening this weekend, and we will be celebrating two hundred years since the restoration of the church.

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