Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy Birthday Mindy! -quarantine day 51

I can’t believe we are heading to two months of quarantine already! Days at home are getting harder and harder; the kids don’t want to do homeschool anymore and every day is literally a battle. They are bored and driving me crazy doing things they probably wouldn’t do if they weren’t bored.

Today I found out our zip code became a hotspot for the virus after someone threw a birthday party and invited dozen of people. Because of that the intermountain hospital set up a mobile clinic to test people for coronavirus (even without symptoms), free of charge.

Ale and I were tested this morning, and the results should be ready in a few days.

In the meantime, Mindy turns thirty-seven today. (Have I mentioned I love the fact her birthday falls on Cinco de Mayo?) And of course we prepared a surprise for her!

I drove the girls to her house to chalk her driveway with birthday wishes, heart attack her door, and leave her gift on the doorsteps. But as soon as we started chalking, she arrived from Costco. So, it turned out we got inside, the kids played, and before we knew it it was a party.

Our social distance birthday surprise failed, but I confess I needed to see people, talk, socialize, and feel a normal human being again, even just for a little.

We ate, talked, sang happy birthday, talked a little more, then we headed back home happy as can be. 

Happy Birthday Mindy. We love you! 

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