Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Aninha turns 40- Covid-19 day 101

Today my one and only sister turned forty years old. Wow, FORTY! I can’t believe in three years I’ll be turning forty too!

About a month ago I created a WhatsApp group titled “Project 40” to discuss with the fam what we would be doing to celebrate this special occasion.

We exchanged messages about gift ideas, decorations, cake, and more.

Last night, I doubled checked with my mom and my brother-in-law if everything was all set for the big day.

I ordered a beautiful basket with fruits, cheese and artisan bread to be delivered in the morning.

Then I stayed up until past two in the morning trying to  export the video I made for her to my computer.

 Today, I woke up to find out the basket I had ordered was cancelled due to a set back with my card payment.

After that, it was all down hill.

The video I made didn’t work, the basked wasn’t delivered (after several attempts).

I confess I cried. A lot. I wanted this day to be perfect.

Towards the end of the day though, Ale was able to order beautiful flowers for her- forty red roses to be more specific.

Then, I finally was able to export the video and upload it to my YouTube channel. They watched the video on the TV. 

(I also LOVE watching our family videos on the TV!)

Aninha received love and undivided attention all day long. Her birthday turned out to be perfect after all.

It was definitely a date to remember (and laugh) years from now.

Happy birthday sis! 
I love you! 

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