Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Bia turns 15!!!- Covid-19 day 79

Happiest of birthdays to my beautiful, smart, super talented niece.

Today she turns fifteen. FIFTEEN!!! Seriously, where did time go?

I confess I felt a little sad. I wish I was there to celebrate with her and give her a five minute hug.

At least we were able to see each other through video call (plus, WhatsApp has now an option to make a group call), and I am grateful for that.

My sister made an intimate and gorgeous party for her. Quarantine didn’t stop them HURRAY! The theme was Hamilton- Bia’s favorite. Everything looked
p e r f e c t! 

I love you Bia! More than words can express and more than you can imagine. I hope life will always treat you right. You deserve so much! 

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