Monday, June 1, 2020

On the news- Covid-19 days 76-78

Welcome beautiful month of June! Month of my birthday, my sister’s and my niece’s birthdays.

This year June will be extra special as my sister turns forty and my niece turns fifteen- two beautiful milestones.

My mom and I have already planned a surprise for Bia, and I’ve been diligently working on a project for my sister’s big forty. I can’t wait for it to be ready!

This weekend our family mostly watched the (sad and happy) news around the globe. The girls were really excited to watch the astronauts Rob and Doug travel to space. They asked a lot of interesting questions while staring at the TV. 

Ale and I also watched the violent manifestation in downtown Salt Lake after a black man was brutally killed by a police officer in the state of Minnesota. Manifestations seem to be happening everywhere.

Here in Utah, the Capitol was vandalized, private properties were damaged, and two cars were set on fire, including a police car. In other states, stores are being looted. 

Honestly, my heart is broken. We are living very difficult times, and it is hard not to feel apprehensive. More than never, it is crucial to hold on to the rod of iron, and teach our children to draw nearer to God knowing He has the power to protect and deliver us. 

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