Monday, June 22, 2020

Father’s Day 2020- Covid-19 days 97-99

We had a marvelous Father’s Day. 

Throughout my childhood to my adulthood I’ve learned the sacred role of motherhood. My mom was then as she is now our biggest example of parenting.

My sense of value of fatherhood grew watching Ale nurture our children. He is loving, funny, and a great daddy for our girls.

It’s beautiful to see their relationship, and I absolutely love watching them together. It warms my heart.

On Sunday we had a special Father’s day home church with a message about the sacred role of fatherhood from 1973 by the Quorum of Twelve Apostles and a special song the girls sang as the last hymn.

After home church we had a special lunch with one of our family’s favorite dishes: Baked Salmon with white rice and Red Lobster biscuits. 

The girls present their daddy with a plate with their hand and foot printed resembling Sullivan and Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. (Ale really likes this movie).

“When your first child is born, you become a father. The title father is sacred and eternal. It is significant that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father.” -QTA 1973 

Happy father’s day to our amazing dad!

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