Friday, June 5, 2020

Neuroplasticity- Covid-19 day 82

We had a rough, rough morning. So rough I had to get out of the house. I got the car and drove without knowing where to go. I just drove until I poured all my frustration and sadness out. 

It took me a thirty minute drive to calm down. When I finally stopped the car, I was in Hobble Creek, Springville. I walked and smelled the delicious aroma coming from nature.

 I have a huge connection with nature, and my walk made me feel much better. Then, I was ready to come back home. But before that I stopped at Chick Fil A to treat myself with my favorite frosted lemonade. 

In the afternoon, Ale and I talked to the doctor I found out about on Facebook. He explained how the brain is supposed to work, and why it is so difficult for ADHD children control their behavior and focus when learning.

Although, Giovanna hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD, she has several symptoms that unable her progress in school.

The training offered by his office should balance the function of right and left sides of the brain, developing neuroplasticity in her brain.

The training would take about six months, but we would see positive changes within a few weeks, and the cost of the training would be thousands.

I am searching more about neuro training in the area to see if I can find a more viable way to help Giovanna. But the appointment was very instructive and I am glad that at least I have a lead to follow.

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