Friday, July 17, 2020

Summer Camp week 1- Covid-19 day 124

Our first week of mom's summer camp was a success! I split our topic for this week into two parts so it wouldn't be too much for the girls.

On the first day, I took them to the Upper Falls in Provo Canyon and I introduced the topic Survival and how they can survive if they ever get lost in the wild.

They learned the first thing they need to do is find shelter- an abandoned house or cave when possible, and  how to make a lean-to shelter in case they cannot find one.

They did a great job finding a perfect spot and piling up branches and leaves. I was very impressed with their determination.

After finishing their shelter, I explained to them the next thing to do was finding water, even before finding food (we can go long without food, but not water).

 So we hiked our way up to a near waterfall.

Bianca hiked all the way complaining she was hungry, and hot, and tired, and did I say hungry?, and she needed to go potty, and she wanted to go back home.

But, the water fall wasn't far at all and we made it to the top! 

She was so happy she did it!

Then, we talked about how we should collect the water and boil it for a few minutes to kill any bacteria or pathogen before drinking it.

On the second day we headed to Provo Airport Dike Road and reviewed what we had learned on the day before plus a few more information about what to do if they cannot find water- like the waterfall. 

I gave them time to ask questions and take notes on their cute little camp journals.

We also talked about basic first aid and practiced some essential knots like square knot, clove hitch, loop 8 hitch, and taut-line hitch. 

Before coming back home we stopped for a strawberry banana smoothie and to grab dinner.

After dinner the girls made basic emergency kits. They put whistles, 12-hour glow sticks, emergency blankets, matches, compass, basic first aid supplies, and snacks.

Next week summer camp will be about astronomy.

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