Monday, July 20, 2020

Costco, toes, and more- Covid-19 days 125-127

After an awesome weekend with the Matutes visiting us, today our morning started slow. 

Giovanna and I overslept. I turned her alarm off instead of on when I kissed her goodnight last night.

Then I set my alarm for 7:00am and I stopped it when it rang in the morning. I just woke up one hour and a half later. Well, technically Ale woke me up.

I started working on my brother-in-law’s special surprise for father’s day in Brazil (August 9th), while Bianca did my toes. 

Just later today (after going out) I realized she had painted them in different colors. 
In the afternoon we took the girls to Costco to have their pictures taken for their passports. That was a good reminder of why I don’t take them grocery shopping with me.

They touched every single product on the shelves AND touched their eyes, theirs masks, and their mouth!! It was a nightmare.

At night we watched Frozen II for the seventh time with popcorn and açaí juice (Ale is not drinking coke anymore).

I also watched the first forty minutes of Hamilton. The musical is two hours and forty minutes long. It will probably take me a couple of days to finish it. 

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