Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Big girl room- Covid-19 day 122

Summer is definitely looking different from previous years. We are not enjoying long days at the park, or getting wet at the splash pad, or cooling off at the bounce house

Instead, we are spending our days at home, waking up early to do homework, and sometimes going to the pool (which we are avoiding since Bianca's rashes).

It's been frustrating and more tiring if you can believe it.

 Today, I finally finished Bianca's room. It looks beautiful and it feels really cozy. She is enjoying it so much!

I remember when Giovi's nursery turned into a big girl's room.

It always feels bittersweet watching my girls grow and move to the next phase in their lives. I can't imagine how it would be when time comes for them to leave to college. 

OR maybe I'll be ready by then. lol

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