Tuesday, August 25, 2020

School updates- Covid-19 day 163

 We have survived the first week of school. 

The drop off and pick up routine was messy and tiring (specially under a 91 degrees), and probably it will continue to be for the next couple of weeks, while they try to figure out the best way to do it in the midst of this pandemic.

The girls love school. They enjoy their teachers and their new friends. And they don't mind wearing their masks like I thought they would.

Homework is slowly coming, and Giovanna is already struggling with math. I hope her teacher is paying close attention to Giovi, and is willing to help her the way my sweet girl needs. We also briefly talked to her in the "Meet the Teacher" day about Giovi's difficulties.

Bianca loves Kindergarten. The other day when I asked her what was her favorite part of school, she answered: "my favorite part of school is when I go to school". She is specially excited about Fridays, when she can finally bring snacks after a whole week without school lunch (she's gone for only three hours).

As for me, I've been enjoying my much needed free time in the morning. I run errands, exercise, and study the scriptures without being interrupted.

Ale keeps working from home.

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