Tuesday, September 8, 2020

12th anniversary- Covid-19 day 177

 Twelve years ago I said yes to my best friend. He listens to me, takes care of me, and sometimes (many times) put up with me. We are a team. And we are a great one.

To celebrate this special occasion, I planned a family dinner. The menu included chicken scampi pasta, chicken gnocchi soup, garlic breadsticks, and Alfredo sauce dip.

What can I say? We love Olive Garden!

We also shared twelve reasons why we love each other. Some of the things Ale loves about me are my heart of gold (on his own words), how I take care of our family, my crafty talents, my cook talents, how I blog and keep our family history updated, and the fact I am economic (really?).

Some things I love about him: his smile, his responsibility, his hard work to provide for our family, the fact he wakes up happy, the fact we like the same TV series, he plays guitar, he is helpful, and he loves the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am truly grateful for our marriage and the beautiful family we are raising together.

For twelve years more!

Hear, hear!

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