Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Smooth- Covid-19 day 171

 Last night, Mindy called and we talked for over four hours. I went to bed past one in the morning. That never happens. When we are together we talk about other things such as our kids, our husbands, food, and we joke a lot.

But last night we talked about ourselves, our deepest feelings about people in the world, our pains, and frustrations, and also about our hopes. We acknowledged how important it is to take of ourselves first in order to be able to take care of others.

Then, today I woke up before 7:00am to wake up the girls and help them get ready for school. Bianca cried and complained the whole morning because she didn't want to wear her shorts, or her belt, or her blouse. And cried because she didn't want to have her hair done, or eat her breakfast.

It was a rough, rough morning, but I decided I wouldn't let this set the tone of the rest of my day. After dropping them off, I ran some errands (morning time is the best to run errands!).

When they came back from school, and later that day I sat both of them on the table to do homework. I think having them do homework together works best than having them do it in different times.

Then, while daddy went out to play soccer, we watched a movie and had hot dogs for dinner.

It was a smooth day. Even Giovanna mentioned it was a really great day. And, I confess we haven't had a smooth one since school started.

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