Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Wiggling Tooth doll- Covid-19 day 170

*Welcome September!!! Fall is near, and I love it!*

 Bianca's been asking to make a doll out of a corn cob. A few days ago I cooked some corn cobs for lunch, and I saved one for her.

She drew the doll's face with a big smile and purple eyes, then she named her "Wiggling Tooth".

So far Wiggling Tooth has watched movie with Bianca, slept in the barbie doll's house, and gone to everywhere Bianca goes. I confess it is the cutest thing.

 The other day I heard a conversation between Giovi and Bianca after Bianca had finished drawing Wiggling Tooth's face:

Giovi: "Can we eat her now?"

Bianca: "No. You are not eating my boneca!"

These kids crack me up.

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