Monday, September 21, 2020

Weekend- Covid-19 days 188-190

This weekend we drove to Lehi to sing happy birthday to Marito who turned seven. SEVEN! I remember when he was just a baby, like yesterday.

It was a small party, and the kids had a lot of fun in a safe environment. (I cannot believe we are heading to 200 days of coronavirus). 

After the party we headed to North Salt Lake to sleepover with the Brito girls while Tales was in St. George. 

We did home church together, and it was beautiful and spiritual. The girls shared their testimonies about Jesus Christ’s love for each one of us, and how we are never alone because of that.

Then we talked about when Jesus Christ came to the Americas, and how wonderful it would be when He comes back again. 

We watched to My Joy is Full, and we shed some tears. The Spirit was so strong! I am so grateful for having friends who share the same beliefs as our family.

Annnnd, I also got the best facial treatment! 
Thank you Mindy!

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