Monday, October 5, 2020

190th SAG. Conference- Covid-19 days 202-204

Saturday I woke up so excited for my favorite weekend of the year! I made pancakes for breakfast, then I sat the girls on the couch to share a brief message by President Nelson.

We discussed about which ways we could hear Jesus Christ in this Conference. They suggested things like “by being reverent”, “by listening to the prophet”, etc.

Then I presented each of them their Conference kit.

They were really reverent throughout the sessions. Giovanna took notes, and Bianca drew pictures. 

I also love taking notes, specially because I am not gifted with the best memory, and I can always go back to them to remember quotes that have touched my heart.

On Sunday, the Britos came to watch the Sunday sessions with us. We cooked Brazilian feijoada, and the kids enjoyed our traditional ice cream Sunday after the afternoon session. 

It was a beautiful weekend full of inspiration, sweet spirit, and guidance for these last days. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

After Saturday sessions, I cut the hair of all girls in the house, and I also planted some chives, joy sedums, lemon balm, and other plants to hopefully bloom next Spring.

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