Monday, October 7, 2019

189th semi-annual General Conference

General Conference is my favorite weekend of the year! I always look forward to seat down with Ale and the girls and listen to the prophet and apostles of God. The girls love General Conference and they also love the conference kit I prepare for them with their favorite treats, new pencils and a notebook to take notes during the sessions.

Since we were watching the Saturday session of Conference at the Britos, I prepared one kit to Claire with her favorite treats. She was so excited! Next time we watch conference together I will make one for Bella.

 Saturday evening I left Ale and Bianca with the Brito gang and I drove to downtown Salt Lake to watch the Women's session at the Conference Center with Giovanna. This is the second time I take her with me. Just like last conference we didn't have tickets, and because of that it took us a while to enter the conference center and be seated.

Unfortunately, we missed the first song and most part of the first talk. But it was a beautiful time spent with my Giovi and wonderful, faithful other women. They shared inspired counsels I’ll strive to follow, and I am sure Giovanna will too. She took notes during the entire session, then we discussed about our favorite talks and songs on our way back to Ale and Bianca.

On Sunday, we watched conference at our home, in our pajamas, on the floor, covered by warm blankets. Exactly the way I love. Once the last session of Sunday afternoon ended, we had our tradition ice cream Sunday. 

On this General Conference a few more changes were announced. Not only the Young Women theme was changed, but also Beehives (12-13 year olds), Mia Maids (14-15) and Laurels (16-17) are no more. Each ward will determine the best way to divide class member according to their individual circumstances. 

President Nelson also announced that next general conference, in April 2020, will be different from previous ones. He said:

 “The year 2020 will be designated as a bicentennial year. General Conference next April will be different from any previous conference. In the next six months I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel. (...) Select your own questions, design your own plan. Immerse yourself in the glorious light of the restoration. As you do, general conference next April will not only be memorable, it will be unforgettable”.

Read all General Conference talks here.

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