Friday, October 23, 2020

Apologies- Covid-19 day 222

Today, I didn't do much except clean my kitchen, and I still can't believe how much needed to be done! I am happy I will welcome the weekend with a clean kitchen.

We were supposed to carve our pumpkins today, but I guess we will have to wait til Sunday to do it. Tomorrow we have Luca's birthday party, and a few more cleaning to finish.

I want the house to be ready for Thursday, when we will sing happy birthday to Giovi in celebration of her 10th birthday.

I still can't believe soon I will have a ten year old in the house. But I am okay with that as long as she lets me cuddle her and call her my baby.

Also, remember the episode when a girl confronted Bianca in the bathroom? Well, she wrote Bianca an apology card and asked her to be her friend. She also gave Bianca a fruit snack, which was enough to gain her trust (I mean, sweets to Bianca?).

It was a cute gesture, and I hope this seals peace between them.

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