Monday, October 26, 2020

Chop chop- Covid-19 days 223-225

The girls always ask to help me in the kitchen, specially to chop things. Since I don’t like them using knife, they always end up with the mixing task.

Knowing that they love cutting fruits and vegetables, I have bought some kid's knives that works really well.

Over the weekend Bianca helped chopping tomatoes and onions for my homemade tomato sauce recipe. She was so happy for being able to finally cut onions with a plastic knife that actually works.

These simple moments with my kids are so important to me. I hold each one of them close to my heart. (And I also take pictures of the moment to always remember it).

P.S. Bianca is wearing a t-shirt that belonged to me when I was younger. Vovó Zete resized it (and other ones) for the girls. 

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