Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Picture day 2020- Covid-19 day 212

So, today during lunch time Bianca was telling us how her day at school was and how a girl had confronted her while she was trying to use the restroom.

The girl stomped on her foot and punched her on the stomach. I confess, I couldn’t eat one more bite of my food after that. We finished lunch really fast, and we headed back to school again to talk to Bianca’s teacher and the school principal. We explained to them what had happened and Mr Porter, the principal, assured us he would be talking to the girl’s parents. 

I also talked to Bianca and told her the same thing I told Giovi once she started Kindergarten: “you don’t be mean to anyone, but if someone is being mean to you, it is your right to defend yourself”.

In the meantime, the girls pictures from picture day have arrived. Giovanna looks so grown compared to pictures taken two years ago! Bianca looks so cute in her very first school picture, I can’t wait too see many more to come.

Bianca - Kindergarten

Giovanna - 4th grade

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