Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Back to the routine- Covid-19 day 296

I’ve forgotten how hard it is to readjust to the routine after weeks without worrying about schedules.

The girls are doing really good sleeping and waking up on time, and getting their homework done.

Is it too bad I am already dreaming of summer?

The days are cold, but it hasn’t snowed yet; at least not enough to actually go play on the snow. The girls can’t wait to be able to go sledding.

Each year we see less and less snow. It is a bummer, even for me that don’t like snow that much. I am even thinking in buying tennis raquetes to start playing with Giovi when days are not too cold.

This year one of my goals is to experiment new things. I am looking forward to improve myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

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