Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Turmoil- Covid-19 day 297

It is so sad what’s been happening in this country lately. I haven’t seen a presidential election so troubled. I haven’t seen people so discouraged with politics like they are right now.

As I watched the news of people invading the Capitol in Washington D.C, and police and civilians brutally fighting each other my heart ached of certainty that these are indeed the last days.

I wish the world was a better place for my children. But I am grateful for finding the church and learning about all the beautiful truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He is our light in the midst of the darkness. He is our hope in the midst of turmoil. And I want my children to have this certainty too.

I know their beliefs and testimonies of Jesus Christ will keep them safe and in the path to return to their heavenly home.

It is our duty as parents to teach them and help them develop their testimonies.

I am so excited to study Doctrine & Covenants with the girls this year! I am sure we will all enjoy it.

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