Monday, February 22, 2021

Friend to Friend- Covid-19 days 342-344

 I can’t wait for Summer, and don’t have to worry about school and homework anymore, and for being able to wake up late, and get out of the house even if it’s only to go to the pool. 

My routine and responsibilities got heavier and more tiring with the virus. I think that probably happened to most of us (or all of us).

Unfortunately, weekends haven’t been looking like weekend for a long time, and Giovanna started complaining we never do anything fun on the weekends. 

I found children to be extremely resilient during this pandemic, but it seems that they are also done with this virus, just like the rest of us.

I love the gospel and how church leaders are inspired to help us in every aspect of our lives. 

This past Saturday, our children from Primary organization were able to participate in a worldwide program made just for them.

The program was BEAUTIFUL and extremely well done, and the girls loved the messages, the songs, and the activities.

Then later on, I let them talk to a couple of friends from Primary through Zoom meeting. I am thankful for technology that helps us be still connected somehow.

Thank you Nasir Ahmed for using Heavenly Father’s gift given to you to do good. 

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