Thursday, February 11, 2021

School Valentines- Covid-19 days 331-333

 This week I’ve been helping the girls with their school Valentines festivities.

On Tuesday I had Bianca sign over twenty little cards with a cute eraser to give to her classmates. I also bought delicious sugar cookies to go along with them.

Then on Wednesday I helped Giovanna with hers. I used some cute prints I had from last year and lollipops from Halloween and recent birthday parties.

I also bought raspberry shortbread cookies from Trader Joes for Ms Johnson- Giovi’s fourth grade teacher. I really like her and I appreciate all she does to help Giovi.

Today is the last day of school. The girls will be in President’s weekend break til next Tuesday when classes resume. I am so happy specially for Giovanna who will be free from homework for a few days.

The plan was going to St. George, but I guess we will (hopefully) be going there for Spring break. Fingers crossed.

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