Wednesday, March 17, 2021

179 years- Covid-19 day 367

The Relief Society turns 179 today!

On this month when we celebrate the “Women’s History Month” I can’t help but feel grateful for the amazing women from Relief Society who love, serve, and contribute so much in their communities.

I remember countless times when sisters from Relief Society reached out to me offering spiritual comfort, help, and services in times when I needed the most.

I am proud of being part of this inspired organization and for being able to also serve my community and fellowmen.

“In this divinely established sisterhood, it is marvelous to see women working together and supporting one another and their communities with such grace and strength. There is an inherent promise of belonging among us, and I pray you each feel that you belong—because you do! Each and every one of you sisters is needed; each of you has God-given gifts and abilities that can lift and strengthen others in our journey together”. 

-Jean B. Bingham

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