Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Meeting- Covid-19 day 366

 After several weeks waiting for Bianca’s evaluation results, today we finally met with Mr Potter- the school principal, Mrs Keri Heath- special education administrator, and Mrs Haws- Bianca’s teacher.

Mrs Heath went through what tests were done and Bianca’s scores in each category. Fortunately, her cognitive skills are above average. Her reading skills are between average and low average.

The bad news is that they can’t figure out where Bianca’s difficulty in reading comes from. With that being said, we had to decide the best approach to better help her.

After one hour of meeting, we decided Bianca should continue with the intervention program, instead of being referred to the special aide- at least for now.

We feel it was the best decision for our Bibi. I am sure with the help of intervention program she will be able to get to where she is supposed to be.

She is a bright kid with so much potential!

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