Monday, March 15, 2021

One year- Covid-19 day 365

Today marks one year since kids engaged in remote  learning, since toilet paper became a hot commodity, and our homes turned into office, church, and school.


When I think about this difficult season, I try to focus on the good things that happened, and lessons learned from this pandemic.

I’ve already mentioned many times my profound love and appreciation for home church. I think this is one of the best things about this pandemic- being able to partake of the sacrament in our home.

Making of our homes an extension of church taught me so much about how important it is to teach our kids the gospel in the home, emphasizing to me that the foundation of their testimonies lays primarily within the family.

These times also taught me about self reliance, both material and spiritual, and how crucial it is to be able to listen to the Spirit and follow his guidance.

I also gained a good amount of patience, and appreciation for small little things like breathing, taking a walk at the park, hugging, and many more that we usually take for granted.

As the vaccine reaches more and more people, we are hopeful that our lives will soon come back to normal-  at least for a moment, before another trial finds our way. 

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