Monday, March 22, 2021

Well deserved- Covid-19 days 370-372

Our weekend was fun, relaxing, and well deserved, specially after a rough week.

We had plans to sleepover at the Britos this weekend, but on Friday our car broke. So on Saturday Mindy offered to pick us up. (Thank you sister!)

We made Brazilian pizzas, facials, and we played games until three in the morning. The kids also played and watched movies until past midnight. My favorite kind of weekend.

On Sunday, after an amazing dinner together, we came back home driving the Brito’s car. They kindly offered us to use it until we buy a new one. (Thank you again!)

We have been having several issues with our car for the last couple of years, but I think the problem is more complicated then before and not worth our time and money.

Anyways, I am so grateful for their generosity and friendship. It warms my heart. I love them and I am so thankful for them in our lives!

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