Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Vaccine- Covid-19 day 374

 Today marks the day we got our first dose of the vaccine against the Covid-19. It is a historical moment for us. Years from now our children and grandchildren will learn about this pandemic and how we thrived and won against it.

Words are not enough to express my deeply gratitude for science and the knowledge and talents God gave His children to develop to do good.

I am grateful for this vaccine. I believe in it.

This morning after dropping off the girls at school, Ale and I drove to American Fork bfor our appointment at 9:10 to get our first dose.

As soon as we got there we were greeted by the army (thank you for your service). We showed them our forms and ID, then we were lead to a table to check some information and schedule out next appointment for the second dose.

Then we made a second stop where our information was double checked before being lead to two nice old ladies/nurses to get the vaccine.

They explained possible side effects and what to do to alleviate them. Ale and I got shots on the left arm. Then after waiting about fifteen minutes, we headed back home happy and grateful.

Thank you Heavenly Father for showing us mercy and endless love by leading our scientists to develop this vaccine. Thank you scientists for working so hard, under a lot of pressure, and against time to develop this vaccine. Thank you health care workers, nacional guard, and volunteers for making this happen in order and safety.

What a happy day! 

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