Thursday, May 20, 2021

Changes- Covid-19 day 431

 Today when I picked up Bianca from school I knew something was going on. As soon as I greeted her as she entered the car and I asked how her day was, she started crying.

She said her teacher told the class they would be moving to a different class next school year and she wouldn’t be their teacher anymore.

She also said she doesn’t want to move classes and she doesn’t want new friends or a new teacher.

It is interesting how Bianca doesn’t like changes. She never has. I remember it look a village for her to get used to her Primary Sunbeam class. Then the following year when she found out she was moving to a different class, she had this huge meltdown.

She has a strong personality, infinite energy, and incredibly creative mind, but she is also extremely caring and loving, and she is owner of a big soft heart.

I can’t count how many gift bags she got from my craft box and filled it with beautiful drawings and paintings she made for her teacher, friends, and us.

I love my baby girl so much it hurts! 

We talked to her about next school year, what to expect, and how fun it will be to see old friends and make new ones! Plus, she can visit her Kindergarten teacher class anytime she wants.

I think she understood it and it is a bit happier now. Besides, she still has one more week to enjoy Kindergarten life.

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