Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Uniform Swap- Covid-19 day 436

Today was a long day! In the morning, I ran some errands, then I went to the bank to withdraw some cash for uniform swap later on. Then I came back home with twenty one dollar bill in my wallet.

I decided to volunteer for uniform swap this year after finding out volunteers had a head start in buying them. Last year when I went for a couple of white polos, all was pretty much already gone.

This year I was able to get everything the girls needed for next school year and I am very pleased. BUT uniform swap was harder then I thought. It was a lot of work!

My back hurts for curving over the table, my feet hurts for standing for hours (5 hours), and my fingers are sore for opening and shutting safety pins. They hurt as I type.

We had pizza for dinner since I was way too tired to even think about cooking. Ale and I watched a couple of shows, then I ran to bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day.

Two more days til summer break!

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