Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Field day and more- Covid-19 day 437

After 2020 and its social distancing and all, this year school field day is back! I was so happy for the kids, because field day is really fun.

Giovanna along with sixth graders and other fourth graders walked to Lindon Aquatic Center right across the street to swim. 

Bianca and her friends from Kindergarten had field day at school grounds with fun activities, water balloons, and snacks.

Earlier today Bianca had a play date with his classmate Harrison. I took them to the park, then they had lunch at Mc Donald’s since Ale was in a meeting and I couldn’t use the kitchen to cook (small apartment).

In the afternoon the girls and I headed to North Salt Lake to return Tales’s car and to sing happy birthday to Casey who’s turning three. Cute girl!

It was a fun day for the girls and a busy one for me. There’s a lot going on right now in our family. Soon enough I’ll share all the news.

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