Thursday, May 27, 2021

Last day of school- Covid-19 day 438

Today is the last day of school for our pretty girls. We did it! It was a long year of changing and adjustments.

Bianca was in love with her new school at first sight. Giovanna missed her old friends and Spanish class on the beginning, but soon she made new friends and was happy again.

The curriculum was rigorous and it demanded a lot from Giovi. I am beyond proud of her! She gave her very best throughout the year. It wasn’t easy. We had tough days. But she did it!  

Today she came back home with an achievement certificate for being one of few students who had straight A’s.

I am so grateful for her teacher Miss Johnson for being THE best teacher I’ve ever known. She’s one of the reasons why Giovi succeed at school this year.

To show my deep appreciation for her I put together a few things to gift her. I also prepared some end-of-the-year favors for Bianca’s classmates and teachers.

After school we took the girls to have a special dinner at Olive Garden, and we gave them the surprise I’ve been keeping from them for the last few weeks. They love it! 

It was a great school year. I couldn’t be more pleased and proud. But now I am excited and ready for summer! 

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